"Paris Photo 2021: a panorama of photographic creation in eight images",
Christophe Airaud, Culture Editor at France Télévision

Within the framework of Paris Photo 2021, France Info Culture shares with us the eight artists who "should not be missed".

Committed, militant: the photography of South African Sue Williamson

Political commitment too, through the photographic work of Sue Williamson, at Dominique Fiat. She is now 80 years old and one of South Africa's most important artists. Born in the United Kingdom, her family moved to South Africa in 1948. In 2020, she told about her childhood in Telerama : "We arrived in June 1948," says the artist. "I was seven years old. In November of the same year, the elections gave victory to the nationalists and marked the beginning of the establishment of Apartheid". In the 1970s, this white photographer joined the fight against apartheid. She documents the segregation and still today she explores the discriminations that continue to haunt her country, with new migrants arriving from other African countries.
